I give this energy exercise to students in my classes. When we work with energy, or simply are living our lives, we can feel depleted. Sometimes we feel we are scraping ...
The Summer Solstice arrives on Friday, June 21st at 11:54 a.m. EDT. This is the day with the most hours of sunlight – often referred to as the longest day of ...
Hon Sha Za Sho Nen (a Reiki greeting meaning, the Divine within me recognizes the Divine within you)…. The Summer Solstice has just passed, the day of the year with the ...
The waves of energy have been very challenging as we approach the shore of Fall, sometimes crashing rather than flowing. It seems timely to talk about how we do get help ...
We are in the throes of the Doyo, which Traditional Chinese Medicine considers to be the 10 days or so before and after the change of seasons, and a time of ...
Light Always Follows Darkness…. As we approach the Winter Solstice on Sunday, December 21 at 6:03 PM EST, the darkness is winding down. Sol means sun, and the origin of the ...
For many, this has been a wrenching time of letting go…..letting go of all of our old baggage, the stuff we have been carrying around for our lifetime…..I had an image ...