And just how do we stay on our path and mind our own business?
19 Mar 17 By franwellgood
After sending last week’s newsletter, a friend sent this email: Can you say more about how to stay on your path and not let your thoughts take over? Any books to ...
Being Grounded in the Groundlessness
15 Jan 17 By franwellgood
Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what’s waiting out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it. —Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart Security is ...
Oneness….We can Work it Out
16 Nov 16 By franwellgood
My Millennial nephews had some words of wisdom this past weekend…….we need to listen to each other, remember we are all equal and treat each other with respect; understand we will ...
Beatles, Blessings, Divine, Divinity, Ease, Energy, Equality, Forgiveness, Generations, Grace, Heart Opening, higher self, Illusion of Separateness, Inner Wisdom, It's All Good, Letting go, life, LIght, Listening, Love, Millennial, Oneness, Peace, Positive Thinking, Respect, Separateness, Spirituality, Spirituality Transition
Shoulding on Ourselves
16 Sep 16 By franwellgood
How many times have you said: I should do this, I should do that…..exercise more, eat better, sleep more, be kinder….and we all wonder how to do more of what we ...
Send an SOS to the Universe
9 Sep 16 By franwellgood
The waves of energy have been very challenging as we approach the shore of Fall, sometimes crashing rather than flowing. It seems timely to talk about how we do get help ...
advice, Ask and Receive, Autumn, Blessings, Clearing, Divine, Divinity, Ease, Energy, Fall, Gratitude, healing, health, Heart Opening, higher self, Inner Wisdom, It's All Good, Letting go, life, LIght, Love, mental health, Metaphysics, Oneness, Peace, Positive Thinking, Self, Solstice, Spirituality, Spirituality Transition, transition, wellness
A Sigh of Relief
2 Sep 16 By franwellgood
September is here. Hermine is on the way. We are coming up to the Doyo, the 10 days before and after the change of seasons, a time of flux and transition. ...
Careening into Fall
22 Aug 16 By franwellgood
So….you might have noticed…. the energy has been a bit wild as we are on the down slope to Fall. A lot happening all at once: the autumnal equinox falls on September ...
Autumn, Chinese Medicine, Clearing, Divine, Divinity, Energy, Fall, healing, health, Heart Opening, higher self, Inner Wisdom, It's All Good, Letting go, life, LIght, Love, mental health, Metal Element, Metaphysics, New year, Oneness, Peace, Positive Thinking, Spirituality, transition, wellness
22 Aug 16 By franwellgood
Another great question was emailed to me: Why is it so hard to be open to good?….wondering what disaster will greet us when we open our email or turn on the ...
Saying Yes to Healing
1 Jul 16 By franwellgood
Thich Nhat Hanh says we “inter-are”. We are part of everything else. His “I Am That” exercise reminds us we are a part of everything, part of the Oneness. Everything, including Us, makes up ...
acupressure, acupuncture, body work, Chinese Medicine, Divine, Energy, healing, health, higher self, Inner Wisdom, It's All Good, Letting go, life, LIght, Love, massage, mental health, Metaphysics, Oneness, Peace, reflexology, Reiki, Spirituality, Spirituality Transition, transition, wellness
Light Always Follows Darkness
9 Dec 14 By franwellgood
Light Always Follows Darkness…. As we approach the Winter Solstice on Sunday, December 21 at 6:03 PM EST, the darkness is winding down. Sol means sun, and the origin of the ...