In Gratitude, In Grace
23 Apr 19 By franwellgood
I thank the Universe all the time. When we are continually conscious of our connection with Spirit/God/Source/Life/Love, when we are aware that all of us make up All of the All, ...
Shoulding on Ourselves
16 Sep 16 By franwellgood
How many times have you said: I should do this, I should do that…..exercise more, eat better, sleep more, be kinder….and we all wonder how to do more of what we ...
Send an SOS to the Universe
9 Sep 16 By franwellgood
The waves of energy have been very challenging as we approach the shore of Fall, sometimes crashing rather than flowing. It seems timely to talk about how we do get help ...
advice, Ask and Receive, Autumn, Blessings, Clearing, Divine, Divinity, Ease, Energy, Fall, Gratitude, healing, health, Heart Opening, higher self, Inner Wisdom, It's All Good, Letting go, life, LIght, Love, mental health, Metaphysics, Oneness, Peace, Positive Thinking, Self, Solstice, Spirituality, Spirituality Transition, transition, wellness
My Moment with the Divine….in Walmart
22 Dec 14 By franwellgood
Yesterday, I had a moment of experiencing our intrinsic, inextricable connection with the Divine in Walmart yesterday…..I actually went shopping on the Sunday before Christmas….just for household stuff, not gifts…..and I ...