Saying Yes to Healing
1 Jul 16 By franwellgood
Thich Nhat Hanh says we “inter-are”. We are part of everything else. His “I Am That” exercise reminds us we are a part of everything, part of the Oneness. Everything, including Us, makes up ...
acupressure, acupuncture, body work, Chinese Medicine, Divine, Energy, healing, health, higher self, Inner Wisdom, It's All Good, Letting go, life, LIght, Love, massage, mental health, Metaphysics, Oneness, Peace, reflexology, Reiki, Spirituality, Spirituality Transition, transition, wellness
Ah, Relief!
27 Jan 13 By franwellgood
Did you feel the energy shift on Friday/Saturday? It’s been a pretty intense time, and I could feel the gears of my very foundation grinding away all last week. The energy ...
It’s so Easy!
By franwellgoodE Z by Mary Prince
We sometimes tend to make things more difficult than they need to be, often because we don’t know how to do it any differently. We don’t have the skills, or the understanding that if we allow, ask for and receive the energy of the Universe to support us…..whatever we’re working with can be easier. Sometimes it has to be spelled out for us. This appeared for a friend of mine on the sidewalk during a walk….just the right reassurance at the right time! One of my favorite mantras in the morning as I set up my day is: I wonder how easy today can be? I love today being easier than I can imagine! Love to all.
Teaching of Joy & Resistance via Skype
6 Jan 13 By franwellgood
Greetings, dear ones……Blessings come in such strange disguises. My Guiding Word of 2013 is JOY. My word came up as I was talking with someone about their word. After their word ...
What might be your Guiding Word of 2013?
4 Jan 13 By franwellgood
Greetings, Loving Beings! I hold a meditation on each equinox and solstice. At the Winter Solstice Meditation just before Christmas, we asked for our Guiding Word for 2013. This is one word ...