
22 Aug 16
Another great question was emailed to me: Why is it so hard to be open to good?….wondering what disaster will greet us when we open our email or turn on the ...

Saying Yes to Healing

1 Jul 16
Thich Nhat Hanh says we “inter-are”. We are part of everything else.  His “I Am That” exercise reminds us we are a part of everything, part of the Oneness. Everything, including Us, makes up ...


29 Apr 16
What happens when we fill up with the Love that we are? When our reservoir is bursting and overflowing?  Why……we float! To wherever we need to go, whatever is our next ...

Filling Up and Spilling Over

21 Apr 16
One of the beauties of being present is that it makes it easier to align with our Higher Self. Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle talk about being radically present, embracing what ...

Aligning with Your Higher Self

16 Apr 16
We come to this Earth Plane to remember that we are part of Loving Spirit. We come here to learn how to love ourself, so we can then love the good ...

Light In the Heart of Darkness

20 Dec 15
The Winter Solstice is Monday night, December 21 at about 11:49 PM EST. We have experienced less and less sunlight each day since the Summer Solstice, culminating in tomorrow, the day ...

Peace Within, Peace Without

27 Oct 13
Let’s start a movement – PEACE WITHIN, PEACE WITHOUT. The world out there reflects the world inside of us. If each of us takes just a moment here and there during ...