30 Sep 16 By franwellgood
In Chinese Medicine, Fall is the time of the Metal Element. We use metal to create infrastructure…and sometimes the old infrastructure has to be torn down to make way for the ...
Saying Yes to Healing
1 Jul 16 By franwellgood
Thich Nhat Hanh says we “inter-are”. We are part of everything else. His “I Am That” exercise reminds us we are a part of everything, part of the Oneness. Everything, including Us, makes up ...
acupressure, acupuncture, body work, Chinese Medicine, Divine, Energy, healing, health, higher self, Inner Wisdom, It's All Good, Letting go, life, LIght, Love, massage, mental health, Metaphysics, Oneness, Peace, reflexology, Reiki, Spirituality, Spirituality Transition, transition, wellness